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patient education : 16006--Nutrition Guidelines Post-Esophagectomy (Diet)

Nutrition and Diet instructions for after esophagus surgery from Nutrition Services

Handout File:

PDF document icon PE16006_eng_Post Esophagectomy Surgery Diet_February 2024.pdf — PDF document, 139 KB (142933 bytes)
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    Nutrition Guidelines Following Esophagectomy

    Why do I need this diet?

    This diet is designed to exclude foods and drinks that might impair how you swallow or hurt the throat after surgery. This diet will also help you get enough calories and protein. This will help you heal and return to your normal life as soon as you are able.


    Diet Progression

    Follow all instructions provided by your surgeon and healthcare team.


    You are to have nothing to eat or drink for      days after surgery or until                                                                                                    .


    When directed by your surgeon, you may begin a liquid diet.  You may be instructed to start with a clear liquid diet. Clear liquids include juices, broth, and jello (no carbonated drinks).


    After clear liquids, you will advance to a full liquid diet. Full liquids are foods and beverages like broths, strained cream soups, milk, milkshakes, pudding, custard, popsicles, sherbet, vegetable and fruit juices, and other drinks that are not carbonated.  Follow a full liquid diet for two weeks unless otherwise instructed.


    When your surgeon says you can begin solid foods, you may advance to the post-esophagectomy soft diet (see the chart below).  This is usually about ~3 weeks post-surgery but that may vary. You will need to follow this soft diet until your post-surgery follow up visit.


    Once your body has had time to heal, you can slowly resume a normal, healthy diet. At your first post-operative appointment, your doctor or nurse will let you know if you can start eating different foods. Keep in mind that you may always need to eat small, frequent meals.

    Guidelines for a Soft Diet

    1. Eat 4-5 small meals a day.
    2. Eat slowly, take small bites, and fully chew all food.
    3. Sit upright while eating and remain upright for 30-60 minutes after eating. Avoid eating or drinking 2 hours before bedtime or laying down. You will need to keep your head of bed elevated 30 degrees.
    4. Take one chewable multivitamin with minerals per day.
    5. Prepare foods so that they are moist, soft, and easy to swallow
    6. Carbonated drinks, such as soda, beer, and champagne should be avoided (Speak to your surgeon about when /if you may use them again.)
    7. Nutrition supplements or homemade milkshakes can be used to replace meals or snacks if you are having trouble taking in enough nutrition. Carnation® Instant Breakfast™ mixed with milk, Ensure®, Boost®, or store brand – choose the “plus” kind for the most calories.

    Food Group



    Milk and Milk Products

    Milk: all types



    Ice cream

    Cottage cheese


    Ice cream or yogurt with chunks of fruit or nuts

    Meat and Meat Substitutes

    Soft eggs (eggs finely chopped)



    Moist Fish (NO bones!)

    Meat and poultry (chicken or turkey)

    Peanut butter


    All juices

    All canned fruits

    Fresh, peeled fruits: bananas, melons (seeded), berries, apples

    Fresh fruit with skins: plums, peaches, nectarines, oranges, apricots

    Dried fruits


    Well-cooked, soft, or pureed vegetables

    Raw vegetables

    Bread and Starchy Foods

    Cooked cereal

    Mashed potatoes

    Baked potato (without skin)

    Soft, moist rice




    Dry cereals softened in milk




    Dry cereals without milk

    Potato chips







    Salad dressings

    Cream: sour, whipping, coffee

    Cream cheese




    Deep fried, crispy food





    All cake type desserts


    Pie crust

    Dry desserts

    Desserts with nuts or skins

    Questions? Contact your healthcare team or call the dietitian in the Cancer Center at 434-243-9627.

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