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document 020 : Anemia Hemolysis

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    Rh Incompatibility, ABO incompatibility G6PD (enzymatic defect), hemoglobin disorders including a/b thalassemia.
    • Rh incompatibility - erythroblastosis fetalis.  Fetal blood cells containing Rh antigen (positive) enter the maternal circulation; maternal RBCs have no antigen (negative); maternal immune system produces antibodies against the foreign fetal antigens; in subsequent pregnancies maternal antibodies enter fetal circulation and destroy RBCs.
      • Maternal antibodies to subsequent pregnancies.  Destroy fetal RBCs.
      • Predisposing factors - previous pregnancy or abortion, fetal-maternal hemorrhage during pregnancy, delivery, amniocentesis, external version, manual removal of the placenta.
      • Infant presentation - anemia, hypoxia/acidosis (decreased RBC count and decreased oxygen carrying capacity of immature cells), CHF/hydrops (fetus attemps to expand blood volume and cardiac output, resulting in generalized edema), ascites/plural effusion (fluid collecting in large cavities).  Hepatosplenomegaly, petechia, hypoglycemia (increased RBC destruction stimulates insulin secretion, resulting in hyperplasia of pancreatic islets and hyperinsulinemia).  Positive coombs test result.
    - Acidosis, hypoxia, anemia, CHF/hydrops/PE, hepatosplenomegaly, positive coombs test.
      • Rhogam:  anti-D immune globulin.  Destruction of fetal RBCs in maternal circulation-block maternal antibody production.
    - 90% effective
    - 28 weeks gestation, within 72 hours of delivery, after amnio/chorionic villus sampling.
    • ABO Incompatibility:
      • More frequent, but less severe than Rh incompatibility
      • Most often seen with mothers who have O type carrying fetus with A or B.
      • Maternal exposure to naturally occuring A/B antigens in food, bacteria, pollen stimulates anti-a/b antibodies.
      • Infant presentation
        • Mild hemolysis, anemia, reticulocytosis.
        • Hyperbilirubinemia(occ requiring exchange)
    • G6PD:
      • Enzymatic disorder, X-linked (mainly male), hemolysis/shortened erythrocyte life.
      • Common in African American as well as of Mediterranean, African, and Asian Descent.